Stewardship Message
Sacred Heart Parish embraces the principle of Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure. Through Stewardship of Treasure, your offerings make it possible for our parish to fulfill its mission. Contributions can be made through the use of envelopes, or, if desired, by online giving through EasyTithe. To receive envelopes you must be registered in the parish. Registration forms are available online or can be found in the Narthex. They can be turned in to the parish office or placed in the offertory basket at Mass. Our parish-wide renewal of Stewardship of Treasure occurs in the fall, however, parishioners are welcome to begin making contributions at any time.
Renewal for the Stewardship of Time and Talent occurs in the spring, however, parishioners may join ministries throughout the year. We encourage all parishioners to be involved in at least one of our many ministries.