Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Ministry Leader: Deacon J. Claroni
Boys and girls, 2nd grade and above, are eligible for this ministry. Training is required. Altar Servers assist as scheduled at weekly Masses, weddings, and funerals. Altar Servers arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass dressed in Sunday best ready to serve the Church and assist the priest. If you have a child who is interested in being an Altar Server, please download, print, fill out and return this application to the Parish Office.
Eucharistic Ministers
Ministry Leaders: D. & M. Clinton
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest by doing pre-Mass set-up, assisting in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and doing after-Mass clean-up. They also take Holy Communion to parishioners who can’t attend Mass. Any Catholic over 18, who is in sacramental union with the Church and has been a member of the parish for at least one year may apply. All members must be approved by the pastor and the Bishop. Initial training is done with follow-up as needed. Ministers sign up to serve at one or two Masses per month.
Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
Ministry Leader: Deacon J. Claroni
These ministers fulfill an important need for our Church by taking Communion and the Word of God weekly or monthly to those who are recovering from illness, who are homebound due to disability, or to permanent residents in area nursing homes. All parishioners over 18, who are in sacramental union with the Church and who have been a member of the parish for at least one year, are welcome; however, special training is required.
Ministry Leader: M. Shook
Lectors proclaim the scripture in a way that reminds us God's word is alive here and now. By proclaiming the scriptures in the liturgical assembly, lectors bring to birth the living Word of God. The lectors minister the presence of God who speaks when the scriptures are proclaimed at Mass and at other special liturgical celebrations here at Sacred Heart. Being comfortable in front of a large group, having a strong clear voice, and being a good reader are important attributes of a lector. Lectors must be members of Sacred Heart Parish, confirmed, and in good standing with the Catholic Church. An audition is necessary and all lectors must attend an annual seminar. Lectors average two to three readings per quarter and spend additional time preparing prior to their scheduled Mass. Schedules are prepared every 2 months.
Ministry Leader: E. Wonn
Ushers are individuals who help parishioners with seating and worship at Mass. They assist individuals with seating, procure a family to take the gifts of bread and wine forward at the offertory, direct parishioners to Communion stations, distribute bulletins at the end of Mass, and deposit collections in the church safe. Any registered parishioner over the age of 17 is invited to be an usher. Members must be physically able to direct or escort parishioners to seating and to various Communion stations. Training is given on the job.
Music Ministries
Saturday 5:00pm Mass Group
Ministry Leader: R. Cooper
This group provides music and singing at the 5:00pm Saturday evening Mass. Practices are held at 4:15pm every Saturday. Anyone with singing ability or the ability to play an instrument is welcome to join. The youth are highly encouraged to join us.
11:15am Sunday Mass Choir
Ministry Leader: J. Senn
This choir contributes to the spiritual enjoyment of the religious services by providing music at the 11:15am Sunday morning Mass and other special Masses throughout the year. Anyone with singing ability or the ability to play an instrument are welcome to join. The choir rehearses from 10:00 – 11:00a.m. every Sunday morning in the Sanctuary.
6:00pm Sunday Mass Choir
Ministry Leader: A. Aguilar
This choir contributes to the spiritual enjoyment of the religious services by providing music at the 6:00pm Sunday morning Mass and other special Masses throughout the year. Anyone with singing ability or the ability to play an instrument are welcome to join. The choir rehearses from 7:00-9:00pm every Friday evening in the Sanctuary.